(unscrupulously taken from letters he wrote to my mom over the years)
"...As for the hospital, I feel that if I got out and failed once more, I would never survive. I am close to crying now.
Nor do my actions and feelings please myself. But I think I can make it now if I try with everything I have or can do. I am sitting in a chair in the corner and do not move except for essentials. Trying is what I do worst. I am crying lightly now but taking deep breaths. I cannot see the t.v. I better quit. Thank you for everything. Have a nice day. " (1981)
Nor do my actions and feelings please myself. But I think I can make it now if I try with everything I have or can do. I am sitting in a chair in the corner and do not move except for essentials. Trying is what I do worst. I am crying lightly now but taking deep breaths. I cannot see the t.v. I better quit. Thank you for everything. Have a nice day. " (1981)
"My commitment expires the 27th of this month, and I am chompin' at the bit to get out. It seems that the time here at the Houston VA Hospital has passed quickly, yet now that I am near the wire, it seems to drag very much. Nonetheless, I will soon be out. I don't wish to brag, indeed circumstances prohibit it, yet may I say that I am truthful in saying that I will never end up in a hospital again. ... your reminder that 30 is approaching was good for me and helped me realize that now is the time for sober thoughts and carefully designed actions. Without it, there may be the danger of back-sliding once again, which I feel would ruin the respect of my family. Jim, am I not correct in saying that you can relate to that? In particular, you, Jim have been very, very kind to me. I do appreciate it alot. It must have been a strain on your tolerance. At times when my behavior was most inappropriate, you really carried the burden well and were not harsh with me. I especially remember the good times you made possible, such as the trip to the Wax Museum and the dinner of fish that you caught. Thanks. Thanks again. " (1979)
"I will get out of the hospital March 10, God willing and if we live, and will try to find a job as a greaser. A greaser works on a drilling rig and makes the best money available here, around $4.50 per hour. Please give my love to your family. " (1980)
"When I get out, I am going to Temple to work until Christmas. After spending those days cherishing my family (I spent last Christmas with Dad) I am moving to Dover, Massachusetts, to get a permanent job, hopefully as a short-order cook. I realize that my mind at the present still needs care, therefore I shall stay on my medication and seek outpatient care. But as to the job itself, I feel that it will satisfy me. Of course it may seem a little lowly, but I know that I will be able to do it well, for it will be simple and not very stressful. Jim, I am sure that you recall the hasty pace at which we had to work at boot camp, and I am comfortable at that. If the feeling occurs that I desire to move up the social ladder, so to speak, there will be plenty of time to do that under the GI Bill. I picked Dover because I have been to Massachussetts twice and like the attitude that embues it. I chose Dover because it was there that the Winter Olympics training grounds were, so it must be pretty nice. I think I will really be satisfied there. The years will pass and I will develop on a right course, doing my best and trusting the Lord to pay back my devotion doubly, on the one hand giving me the strength to aspire more, and on the other blessing me with happiness. " (1979)
"Thank you for your concern about my life. I am aware that your suggestions are sincerely motivated for my own good. Remember however, that the Scriptures council a man that as soon as he leaves his parents he should cling to his wife. If you think I should find another, then recall how the Scriptures also state that any man putting his hand to the plow and then turning back from it is not fit for the Kingdom of God. I do love Shelly, yet if you think that that too is wrong or misguided, think on this: Let him who is doing good do good still, and he who is doing evil do evil still. Also; Love your enemy." (1980)
" know that I have failed in alot of forthcomings yet I have prayed and am still praying that you will forgive me. And the debt to Jim is massive. I wish he would pardon me. The children, it is impossive to measure the iniquity. May they forgive it.
For example, I gave the picture of Amy to a woman on the ward. When I came to my senses, I asked her for it back and she told me she tore it up and threw it away. I am sorry. " (1981)
For example, I gave the picture of Amy to a woman on the ward. When I came to my senses, I asked her for it back and she told me she tore it up and threw it away. I am sorry. " (1981)
"My prayer on your behalf is for increased bliss, and mine that I may share in some small meaningful or a humble portion of it. " (1979)